

Manage your website serverless on AWS without any virtual machines!


No worries on black friday! Thanks to serverless microservices, your website will scale without delays!

Lightning fast

The webeditor will render pages to CloudFront distributions with endpoints all over the world. This will make your website lightning fast and increase search engine ranking!

Secure by Design

Editor and website are decoupled from each other and no constant server patching is required with serverless technology!

Your data in your hands

CMS webeditor and the website run in your own AWS account. You pay traffic by usage, cost-efficient from personal websites to high-traffic commercial sites!

Easy to use editor

No HTML or command line skills required to edit and publish pages. The richtext editor element allows you to format text, insert images or even paste screenshots from the clipboard. You can define image profiles to automatically resize or create thumbnails from uploaded images.


You can hook up an indexer to implement a search function for your users, or extend with custom functionality using AWS Lambda functions. Components like PhotoSwipe or any other gallery can be easily integrated.

Enterprise ready

CloudeeCMS will fit your needs, from private websites to enterprise grade high-traffic websites, affordable thanks to pay-per-use AWS resources.
CloudeeCMS Webinterface
Page tree
Page editor with richtext fields
Page editor with objects
File explorer for CDN resources
Online editor for CDN resources
Edit HTML Layouts
Create reusable MicroTemplate elements