Upgrade CloudFormation Stack

Sometimes it is required to update the base CloudFormation stack which contains the CodePipeline build process, DB tables etc.  This cannot be done by the online updater function.

The following changes required a CloudFormation template update:

2023-05-12: Upgraded CodePipeline build containers for new nodejs version.
2023-05-31: Added Global Secondary Index GSI1-index to DynamoDB table.

Upgrade instructions

Log in to the AWS console (web UI) and open CloudFormation.

Locate the CloudeeCMS stack in the stacks list of CloudFormation. Do not select the "-backend" stack! You can find the correct stack by looking at the description column which should contain "CloudeeCMS Auto Deployment Full Installation..." or "CloudeeCMS Auto Deployment Custom Installation...".

Open the stack and click the "update" button:

In the update screen, select "replace current template" and "upload a template file".

It's important to select the same template type (full vs. custom) in order to upgrade existing resources properly.

After uploading the new CF template, navigate to the next screen, you will see the configuration fields of your existing stack. Do not change anything, just continue with "next".
Click next again until you get to the "Review" page where you have to tick a checkbox at the very bottom to confirm "create IAM resources".

By clicking "submit" your CloudeeCMS stack will be updated. This will take some time.

Verify updated stack

Once the stack has been updated, you can verify if the update went well by opening CodeBuild.

In the build projects list, locate your "$INSTANCE_NAME"-buildproject-frontend (or backend) and open it.

In the build project click the "Edit" button and select "Environment" from the dropdown list.

Your environment should now use the image "aws/codebuild/standard:6.0" which supports nodejs16.

Note: Versions older than 2023-05-12 will no longer build in this BuildContainer setup, because nodejs12 engine is no longer available in the build image. Upgrade to the latest CloudeeCMS version of master branch, which no longer requires a fixed nodejs version.